How to import sales invoices from Swipe to Tally
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How to import sales invoices from Swipe to Tally

Note: The response time and overall functioning speed of data import are determined by your computer's processor, not by Swipe or Tally software.
If you haven't made mandatory changes to your settings to import transactions, please follow the below steps. If you have already made mandatory changes, please skip to step 4.

Step 1: Go to the Alter.

Click on "Atler" which is under the Masters section of “Gateway of Tally”.

go to alter section under tally gateway

Step 2: Click on the voucher type. 

A new page appears. Here, click on “Voucher Type” under the Accounting Masters section. 

click on voucher type

Step 3: Select sales. 

Now, select the “Sales” option from the menu. 

select sales option from the menu

Change “Method of Voucher Numbering” to Automatic (Manual Override).

change the method of voucher numbering

Type yes in the box next to "prevent duplicates”.

select yes to prevent duplicates

Now, press Control+A on your keyboard to save the settings and press “Esc” to go back to “Gateway of Tally”. 

save the sales invoice settings

Step 4: Go to Swipe Integration.

Go to "Swipe Integration" which is under the Utilities section of “Gateway of Tally”.

go to Swipe integration

Step 5: Import Sales.

Click on the “Import Sales” option under the Masters section. 

select import sales under masters section

A pop-up appears. Here, enter the timeline of sales invoices you want to import and click Yes to confirm your action. 

enter the timeline of sales invoice import
click yes to confirm your action

Please wait until the data is fetched from Swipe. 

Step 6: Check the Error List. 

After fetching the data, a preview page appears, displaying the sales invoice data. 

a preview page of sales invoice

To review any errors, please follow the steps below to resolve the issue. 

For the error “Ledgers Doesn’t Exist”: Click on the “Import New Ledgers” option present at the top right corner of the screen or press the F4 key on your keyboard. 

import new ledgers

Congratulations! You have successfully imported new ledgers and a pop-up appears at the bottom of the screen informing the screen. Press any key to continue. 

ledgers imported successfully

For the error “Stock Items Doesn't Exist": Click on the “Import New Stock Items” option present at the top right corner of the screen or press the F5 key on your keyboard. 

error stock items doesn't exist

Congratulations! You have successfully imported new stock items and a pop-up appears at the bottom of the screen informing the screen. Press any key to continue.

stock items imported successfully

Step 7: Import the data. 

Click on the “Import” option present at the top right corner of the screen or press the F2 key on your keyboard. 

click on Import to import sales invoices

Now, confirm your action by clicking on the “Yes” option from the pop-up.

click on yes to confirm the import

Congratulations, You have successfully imported sales invoice data from your Swipe account to your Tally account, and a pop-up appears at the bottom of the screen informing the same. 

sales invoices imported successfully

Press any key to continue.   

sales invoices data

Not yet available on Android