How to cancel an e-Invoice
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How to cancel an e-Invoice on Web

1. E-invoices can be cancelled only within 24 hours of creation. This action cannot be reversed. 
2. E-invoices cannot be edited once created. 
3. E-invoices cannot be cancelled on cancellation of original documents in other sections.

Step 1: Go to Sales and select e-Invoices

First go to sales on the left hand side of the dashboard. After clicking on 'sales', A drop down menu appears.

Select e-Invoices from the drop down menu.    


click on e-Invoices

Step 2: Click on “cancel e-Invoice”

Search or select the e-Invoice you would like to cancel and click on  "delete Icon" option, under actions.

search or select the e-Invoice

A pop up will appear, with the details of the e-invoice, such as date, ID, customer, and payment details. Click on the “cancel” button from the pop up. 

pop up with the details of the e-invoice

Step 3: e-Invoice deleted 

Congratulations, Your e-Invoice has been deleted successfully and a pop up will appear informing the same on the top of the screen.

e-Invoice is deleted

How to cancel an E-Invoice on Android

1. E-invoices can be cancelled only within 24 hours of creation. This action cannot be reversed. 
2. E-invoices cannot be edited once created. 
3. E-invoices cannot be cancelled on cancellation of original documents in other sections.

Step 1: Click on the E-Invoice icon.

Go to “Quick Access” section and Click on “E-Invoice” icon present on it.

Go to e-Invoices section

Step 2: Click on “cancel”

Search or select the e-Invoice you would like to cancel and click on it. 

Now select the "cancel" option from the menu.

Click on cancel E-Invoices

Step 3: E-Invoice deleted successfully.

Put the final confirmation of your cancellation by clicking on “Cancel”, from the pop up box.

Congratulations, your e-Invoice has been deleted successfully and a message will appear informing the same at the bottom of the screen. 

Confirm e-Invoice cancellation