How to add multiple invoice prefixes
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How to add multiple invoice prefixes on Web

Step 1: Go to “Sales” and select “Invoices”.

Now, click on the “Document Settings” Option at the top right corner of the screen. 

click on document settings

Step 2: Click on “Add New Prefix”.

Select the “Invoice Prefix” option and click on “+Add New Prefix” from the drop down menu. 

click on add new prefix

Step 3: Add the invoice prefix

Select “Invoice” from the navigation bar and click on “+ Add Prefix.”

add an invoice prefix

A New Form appears. Here, enter the Prefix and click on Submit. 

Note: You can always edit the prefix later. 

enter the prefix

Step 4: Select the Default Invoice Prefix (optional)

Select the Invoice prefix and switch on the toggle bar at the respective column to make it default. 

switch on default toggle bar

Step 5: Click on “Update Settings”.

Close "Document Prefixes" and Click on “Update settings” from the first form present at the top right corner of the screen. 

update the document settings

Congratulations! You have successfully added a new invoice prefix, and a pop up appears at the top of the screen informing the same. 

invoice prefix added successfully

How to add multiple invoice prefixes on Android

Step 1: Click on the Document Settings icon.

Go to the “Quick Access” section and Click on the “Document Settings” icon present on it.‍

go to document settings

Step 2: Click on “Add New Prefix”.

Select the box below “Default Invoice Prefix” and click on “Add New Prefix” from the pop up. 

click on add new prefix

Step 3: Add new invoice prefix 

Enter your new invoice prefix and click on “Add”. 

Enter the new Invoice prefix

Congratulations, You have successfully added a new invoice prefix. 

Note: You can always edit the Invoice prefix later.

Step 5: Click on “Update Document Settings”.

Close "select prefix" and Click on “Update Document Settings” from the first form present at the bottom of the screen. 

Invoice prefix added successfully

Congratulations! You have successfully added a new Invoice prefix, and a pop up appears at the bottom of the screen informing the same.