Here is the IFSC & MICR Codes of Kalupur Commercial Co-operative Bank, NAVA WADAJ, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT. Also get the latest address, contact number of Kalupur Commercial Co-operative Bank, NAVA WADAJ.
What's the IFSC Code of NAVA WADAJ, Kalupur Commercial Co-operative Bank?
The IFSC Code of NAVA WADAJ, Kalupur Commercial Co-operative Bank is KCCB0NVW016.
What's the Address of NAVA WADAJ, Kalupur Commercial Co-operative Bank?
The Address of NAVA WADAJ, Kalupur Commercial Co-operative Bank is NEEL COMPLEX, OPP.VYAS WADI, NAVA WADAJ, AHMEDABAD-380013.
What's the MICR Code of NAVA WADAJ, Kalupur Commercial Co-operative Bank?
The MICR Code of NAVA WADAJ, Kalupur Commercial Co-operative Bank is 380126015.
What's the District NAVA WADAJ, Kalupur Commercial Co-operative Bank falls under?
The District NAVA WADAJ, Kalupur Commercial Co-operative Bank falls under is AHMEDABAD.
What is IFSC Code
IFSC stands for Indian Financial System Code. It is a unique 11-character code assigned by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to identify every bank branch participating in the NEFT (National Electronic Funds Transfer) system in India.
The IFSC code is used to facilitate electronic money transfers between banks in India. It is used to identify the sender and receiver bank branches, ensuring that the money is credited to the correct account. The IFSC code is made up of three parts:
The first four characters represent the bank code, identifying the bank that the branch belongs to.
The fifth character is always a zero, reserved for future use.
The last six characters represent the branch code, identifying the specific branch of the bank.
For example, the IFSC code for the State Bank of India's Mumbai Fort branch is SBIN0000300. In this code, "SBIN" is the bank code for State Bank of India, "0" is a reserved character, and "000300" is the branch code for the Mumbai Fort branch.
IFSC codes are used in many types of electronic transactions, including NEFT, RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement), and IMPS (Immediate Payment Service).