Published on:
November 22, 2023
Shaik Musrath

Swipe: Introducing E-Invoicing for Businesses

In today's business landscape, efficiency and accuracy are paramount. This is especially true when it comes to invoicing, a crucial aspect of financial management and client relations. For years, traditional paper-based invoicing processes have plagued businesses with their inherent inefficiencies, delays, and errors. However, the advent of e-invoicing has revolutionized the way businesses manage their financial transactions, introducing a new era of streamlined processes, enhanced accuracy, and improved customer satisfaction. Fortunately, technology has stepped up to provide innovative solutions that simplify and introduce the e-invoicing process. Enter swipe software, a game-changer in the realm of invoice einvoicing.

What is E-invoicing :

Electronic invoicing, or e-invoicing, is the exchange of invoices in an electronic format between a supplier and a buyer. It eliminates the need for paper invoices and streamlines the invoicing process, saving time and money for both parties. E-invoices can be sent and received via email, EDI (electronic data interchange), or through a web portal. They are typically stored electronically in a secure system.

How e-invoicing works

The e-invoicing process typically follows these steps:

The supplier creates an e-invoice.

The supplier sends the e-invoice to the buyer.

The buyer receives the e-invoice and processes it.

The buyer pays the invoice.

E-invoicing in different countries

E-invoicing is becoming increasingly popular around the world. Many countries have already implemented mandatory e-invoicing requirements for certain sectors or industries. In Europe, the European Union has mandated e-invoicing for all public procurement contracts over €5,000 since 2014.

What are the Types of e-invoicing

There are two main types of e-invoicing:

Structured e-invoices: 

These invoices are formatted according to a standard template, such as UN/CEFACT or PEPPOL. This makes them easier to process and exchange between different systems.

Unstructured e-invoices: 

These invoices are not formatted according to a standard template. They can be in a variety of formats, such as PDF or Word documents.

What are the Benefits of e-invoicing

There are many benefits to using e-invoicing, including:

Reduced costs: 

E-invoicing eliminates the costs associated with printing, mailing, and storing paper invoices.

Increased efficiency: 

E-invoices can be processed electronically, significantly reducing processing times and minimizing errors.

Improved accuracy: 

Electronic data transfer ensures that invoice information is accurate and consistent, eliminating discrepancies.

Enhanced reporting and analytics:

E-invoicing systems generate valuable data that can be used for financial reporting, analytics, and decision-making.

Improved environmental sustainability: 

E-invoicing reduces paper consumption and helps to protect the environment.

Harnessing the Power of Swipe Technology

Swipe software seamlessly integrates swipe gestures into the e-invoicing process, enabling businesses to manage invoices with unprecedented ease and speed. With just a simple swipe, users can create, send, track, and approve invoices, eliminating the need for cumbersome manual data entry. This not only saves time and reduces errors but also enhances productivity and streamlines workflows.

E-Invoicing: A Transformative Shift

E-invoicing, the electronic exchange of invoices between suppliers and buyers, has emerged as a game-changer in the financial world. By eliminating the need for paper-based invoices, e-invoicing offers a multitude of benefits, including:

Reduced costs: 

E-invoicing eliminates the expenses associated with printing, mailing, and storing paper invoices.

Increased efficiency: 

E-invoices can be processed electronically, significantly reducing processing times and minimizing errors.

Improved accuracy: 

Electronic data transfer ensures that invoice information is accurate and consistent, eliminating discrepancies.

Enhanced reporting and analytics:

E-invoicing systems generate valuable data that can be used for financial reporting, analytics, and decision-making.

Invoice E-invoicing: The Epitome of E-Invoicing

Invoice e-invoicing takes e-invoicing to the next level by incorporating innovative swipe technology into the process. This groundbreaking approach utilizes swipe gestures to streamline invoice creation, sending, tracking, and approval, making e-invoicing more effortless and efficient than ever before.

Revolutionizing Invoice Management

Invoice e-invoicing revolutionizes invoice management by transforming it into a user-friendly and intuitive experience. Gone are the days of tedious data entry and frustrating errors. Swipe software introduces a streamlined approach, allowing users to:

Automate repetitive tasks: 

Swipe gestures automate many repetitive tasks, freeing up valuable time for more strategic initiatives.

Reduce manual data entry: 

Swipe gestures minimize manual data entry, reducing the risk of errors and inconsistencies.

Enhance data accuracy: 

Swipe gestures ensure data accuracy by eliminating manual transcription errors.

Expedite invoice processing: 

Swipe gestures accelerate invoice processing, leading to faster payment cycles.

E-Invoicing Made Effortless

Swipe software revolutionizes e-invoicing by transforming it into a user-friendly and intuitive experience. Gone are the days of tedious data entry and frustrating errors. Swipe software introduces a streamlined approach, allowing users to:

Create invoices in seconds: 

With a swipe, users can generate invoices, incorporating relevant client and product information.

Send invoices instantly: 

With another swipe, invoices are dispatched to clients via email or other preferred channels.

Track invoice status: 

Users can monitor the status of their invoices in real-time, ensuring timely payments and resolving any discrepancies promptly.

Approve invoices with a swipe: 

Approving invoices becomes a breeze, as managers can grant their consent with a simple swipe, expediting payment processes.

Unlocking Productivity Gains

The benefits of swipe software extend beyond mere time savings. By introducing the e-invoicing process, businesses can achieve significant productivity gains, leading to:

Reduced administrative burden: 

Swipe software eliminates repetitive tasks, freeing up valuable time for more strategic initiatives.

Improved cash flow: 

Efficient invoicing ensures timely payments, enhancing cash flow and financial stability.

Enhanced customer satisfaction: 

Timely and accurate invoices foster positive client relationships, boosting customer satisfaction.

The future of e-invoicing

E-invoicing is expected to continue to grow in popularity in the coming years. As more businesses adopt e-invoicing, the process will become even more efficient and cost-effective. E-invoicing is also expected to play a role in the development of real-time payments, which could revolutionize the way businesses do business.

Why use Swipe for your e-invoicing

Swipe software represents a significant leap forward in the evolution of e-invoicing, offering businesses a multitude of advantages. Its intuitive interface, effortless operation, and productivity-boosting capabilities make it an indispensable tool for streamlining financial processes and enhancing overall business efficiency. As businesses strive to stay ahead of the curve, swipe software emerges as a powerful ally in the pursuit of streamlined, accurate, and effortless invoice einvoicing.

e-Invoice integration

Step 1: Go to e-Invoice Portal

Login to E-Invoice Portal with your credentials

Step 2: API Registration

Select ‘API registration’ from the main menu on the left side.

Now, click on ‘Create API User’ under User Credentials in the API registration menu.

Step 3: Verify OTP

Click on Send OTP to Verify yourself.

Now, you will receive an OTP on the registered mobile number. On entering the OTP, an API registration form will open. 

Step 4: Add GST Suvidha Provider

Here, Choose “through GSP” to integrate the API. 

Now, click on the “select” box and Select Tera Software Limited from the dropdown list. 

Step 5: Enter Username and password

Enter a 3 letter Suffix ID and a password. Re-enter the Username and Password and click “Submit”.

Now, you have successfully added Swipe as your GSP on e-Invoice portal. 

Step 6: Connect to E-Invoicing Portal

Go to Sales and Select e-Invoices.

Now, click on "Connect to E-Invoicing Portal” from the top right corner of the screen.   

Step 7: E-Invoice GSP login

Click on “Proceed to EInvoice GSP Login '' button at the bottom of the screen. 

Step 8: Click on "proceed to Generate e-Invoice"

Here, Enter the GSP Username and Password from the E-Invoice Portal and confirm the credentials by clicking on “Proceed to Generate E-Invoice”. 

Congratulations! You have successfully connected Swipe with your E-Invoice portal. Now, enjoy one click e-Invoicing on Swipe. 

Demo Video:



In the digital age, businesses are constantly seeking innovative solutions to optimize their operations and gain a competitive edge. Invoice einvoicing stands as a testament to the transformative power of technology, offering businesses a seamless, efficient, and secure approach to invoice management. By embracing swipe technology and adopting invoice einvoicing practices, businesses can streamline financial processes, enhance productivity, and unlock a new era of efficiency and accuracy in their financial operations.


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Updated on:
March 16, 2024