Published on:
January 25, 2024

Unleashing Growth: Your Guide to Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana

One can unleash entrepreneurial potential with Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY), a flagship scheme of the Government of India to “fund the unfunded” by bringing such enterprises to the formal financial system and extending affordable credit to them. This blog explores loan categories, eligibility, application process, success stories, and resources to help you navigate the scheme and turn your business dreams into reality.


Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana or PMMY can be a real game-changer! It’s a government initiative that was launched to bring non-corporate micro & small enterprise sectors into the limelight, availing them loans at affordable rates to start their business. We’ve put together every bit of information you need to know about PMMY – its features & benefits, eligibility conditions & details, and way forward – so that you track and grab the opportunity at the most opportune time & make your dream of being the boss of your own business, a reality.

Fueling Your Dreams: Loan Categories under PMMY

PMMY offers three loan categories to cater to diverse business needs:

1. Shishu: Ideal for nascent businesses, offering loans up to ₹50,000. Think small retail shops, street vendors, or home-based artisans.

2. Kishor: For established businesses that want to expand their activities, this section covers workshops, small manufacturing units, and service sector activities, and the loan limit is from ₹ 50,000 to ₹ 5 lakh.

3. Tarun: Loans from ₹ 5 lakh to ₹ 10 lakhs are available for entrepreneurs who lost or will lose their paid jobs, who are in the process of settling loans of chance licensees, and for small businesses like small restaurants, service units, and small businesses units

Eligibility and Application

To qualify for PMMY, your business must:

1. Be non-farm and non-corporate.

2. Operate in manufacturing, trading, or service sectors (including allied agricultural activities like poultry or dairy).

3. Have a viable business plan.

Applying is easy:

1. Online: Utilize the Udyamimitra portal for a convenient and paperless application process.

2. Offline: Visit any PMMY lending institution like banks, MFIs, or NBFCs and submit the required documents.

Inspiring Journeys: Success Stories Powered by PMMY

PMMY has transformed countless lives. Anyone reading this blog can opt for a Shishu loan to open their bakery. You can employ countless local women and supply bread to nearby shops. Or you can leverage a Kishor loan to expand your garment manufacturing unit, creating jobs in your area. PMMYs have immense power and fuel economic growth.

Additional Resources and Tips

1. Official Website: Visit the PMMY website ( for detailed information, FAQs, and application forms.

2. Contact Information: Find contact details for PMMY lenders in your area on the website or inquire at your local bank.

3. Strengthen Your Application: Prepare a well-defined business plan and gather all necessary documentation to increase your approval chances.

4. Stay Updated: Keep yourself informed about any changes or updates to the PMMY scheme.

Take the First Step Towards Your Dream

In more ways than one, PMMY is not a loan scheme, it's a doorway that takes you closer to your dreams of being an entrepreneur. From its available funds to specific categories and ease in applications, it gives you the chance to weave your dreams into a thriving business. So why not take the first step today, find out your eligibility, and then unleash the entrepreneur in you? After all, with PMMY on your side, your journey to be a successful entrepreneur may be nothing more than a success story waiting to be written.


Beyond Funding: Union Government Schemes for Businesses in India 

PM Mentoring Yuva Scheme 

PM Svanidhi: Objectives and how to apply

Updated on:
March 16, 2024