Published on:
December 23, 2023
Shaik Musrath

The Scheme for Granting Rewards to Children of Salt Laborers

Beneath the relentless sun, on fields blanketed in white crystals, toil the salt workers – individuals who dedicate their lives to a timeless tradition. Yet, their families often face the harsh realities of economic hardship, limited opportunities, and a struggle to break the cycle of poverty. But amidst these challenges, a beacon of hope shines: the Scheme for Granting Rewards to Children of Salt Laborers.

How this scheme is Investing in the Future:

Launched in 1985 by the Department of Commerce, this scheme recognizes the importance of education as a critical pathway to social mobility and brighter futures for the children of salt workers. It aims to incentivize academic excellence and provide vital financial support to help underprivileged students pursue their educational aspirations.

Nurturing Young Minds:

The scheme operates through a simple yet impactful strategy:

Financial rewards: 

Students from classes VI to XII who achieve high academic standing in their annual examinations are awarded financial incentives. The amount varies based on the class level, with students receiving progressively higher rewards as they advance in their studies. This financial assistance helps alleviate the financial burden of education, particularly for school supplies, books, and other essential materials.

Focus on girl child education: 

Recognizing the importance of gender equality, the scheme reserves a minimum of 50% of the rewards for eligible female students. This encourages and empowers girls to pursue education, potentially breaking the cycle of gender-based disadvantage.

Promoting higher education: 

To further incentivize academic pursuit, the scheme awards additional rewards to students who successfully transition to higher education, offering continued financial support as they navigate their academic journey.

How this scheme Reaping the Rewards:

The impact of this scheme has been significant and far-reaching:

Increased enrollment rates: 

The financial incentive has led to a rise in enrollment rates, particularly among girls, as families are more likely to prioritize education with the promise of financial support.

Improved academic performance: 

The incentive to excel in academics has motivated students to put in extra effort and strive for higher grades, leading to improved overall academic performance.

Reduced dropout rates: 

With the financial hurdle of education reduced, students are less likely to drop out due to economic constraints, increasing completion rates and paving the way for further opportunities.

What are the Challenges faced in this scheme:

While the scheme has achieved undeniable success, there are still challenges to overcome:

Ensuring awareness: 

Spreading awareness about the scheme to all eligible families in remote salt-producing regions remains crucial to maximize its reach and impact.

Expanding financial allocation: 

While the current rewards provide valuable support, increasing the financial allocation could further reduce the financial burden on families and incentivize even more students to pursue education.

Addressing infrastructure and learning gaps: 

Limited access to quality education infrastructure and resources in salt-producing areas can disadvantage students. Addressing these gaps through targeted interventions is essential to ensure equitable access to quality education.


Investing in the education of children of salt laborers is not just an act of charity; it's an investment in the future. By nurturing their potential, we empower them to break the cycle of poverty, contribute to their communities, and become the architects of their own destinies. The Scheme for Granting Rewards to Children of Salt Labourers stands as a testament to this commitment, and its continued success lies in our collective efforts to expand its reach, refine its impact, and ensure that education remains a beacon of hope for generations to come.


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Updated on:
March 16, 2024