Published on:
July 5, 2023

Role of Expert Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration and Corporate Law


In the realm of international commercial arbitration, expert evidence plays a crucial role in resolving complex disputes. When parties are engaged in cross-border business transactions, disputes may arise that require specialized knowledge and expertise. Expert evidence provides valuable insights and opinions on technical, scientific, financial, or industry-specific matters, assisting arbitrators in making informed decisions. This article delves into the role of expert evidence in international commercial arbitration within the context of corporate law.

Understanding International Commercial Arbitration

International commercial arbitration is a method of resolving disputes that arise from international business transactions. It provides parties with an alternative to litigation in national courts, allowing them to resolve their disputes in a private, neutral, and enforceable manner. In international arbitration, parties select arbitrators who possess expertise in the relevant areas of law and industry. These arbitrators rely on evidence presented by the parties, including expert evidence, to arrive at a fair and just decision.

The Importance of Expert Evidence

Expert evidence is essential in international commercial arbitration for several reasons:

1. Technical Complexity

Many international commercial disputes involve complex technical or scientific matters that require specialised knowledge to understand fully. Expert witnesses, who are professionals with expertise in specific fields, provide evidence that helps arbitrators comprehend intricate technical concepts and their implications. Without expert evidence, arbitrators may lack the necessary understanding to make informed decisions.

2. Assessing Damages

In cases involving claims for damages, expert evidence is crucial in determining the extent of the losses suffered by the aggrieved party. Experts can analyze financial data, market trends, industry standards, and other relevant factors to assess the quantum of damages. Their opinions help arbitrators arrive at fair compensation awards based on objective and expert analysis.

3. Evaluating Industry Practices

Expert evidence is often required to evaluate industry practices, standards, and customs. Arbitrators need this information to determine whether the actions of one party were in line with commonly accepted practices within the relevant industry. Expert witnesses with industry-specific knowledge provide valuable insights into prevailing standards, which assist arbitrators in reaching fair and equitable decisions.

4. Establishing Legal Compliance

In international commercial arbitration, expert evidence can help establish compliance with legal requirements, regulations, and contractual obligations. For example, an expert may provide an opinion on whether a party's actions were in compliance with international trade laws or specific provisions of a contract. This evidence assists arbitrators in assessing the legal responsibilities of the parties involved and reaching an appropriate decision.

5. Strengthening Party Positions

Expert evidence can significantly strengthen a party's position in an arbitration proceeding. By presenting expert opinions that support their claims or defenses, parties can provide a solid foundation for their arguments. Expert witnesses add credibility and weight to the evidence presented, increasing the likelihood of a favorable outcome for the party they represent.

How Expert Evidence is Presented

In international commercial arbitration, expert evidence is typically presented through expert reports and expert witness testimonies. The process involves the following steps:

1. Expert Reports: Experts prepare written reports that provide detailed analysis, opinions, and conclusions on the relevant matters in dispute. These reports outline the expert's qualifications, methodology, findings, and any supporting evidence. Expert reports are shared with the opposing party to ensure transparency and allow for meaningful cross-examination.

2. Expert Witness Testimonies: During the arbitration hearing, expert witnesses testify orally based on their written reports. They provide explanations, answer questions from the arbitrators, and present their opinions in a clear and convincing manner. The opposing party has the opportunity to cross-examine the expert witnesses to challenge their opinions and credibility.

3. Expert Conferences: In some cases, arbitrators may arrange expert conferences to facilitate the exchange of views between the experts involved. These conferences allow for the clarification of technical matters, identification of common grounds, or resolution of differences. Expert conferences contribute to a better understanding of the expert evidence and assist arbitrators in making well-informed decisions.


Expert evidence plays a critical role in international commercial arbitration within the realm of corporate law. It provides arbitrators with the necessary technical, scientific, financial, and industry-specific knowledge to make informed decisions. By presenting expert reports and witness testimonies, parties can strengthen their positions and enhance the credibility of their claims or defenses. Expert evidence contributes to the fairness, efficiency, and effectiveness of international commercial arbitration, ensuring that disputes are resolved based on expert analysis and objective assessments.


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Updated on:
March 16, 2024