Published on:
February 12, 2024
Viraaj Vashishth

Verifying MSME Registration with PAN: An In-Depth Guide

Confirming MSME (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise) membership is critical for Indian enterprises seeking government subsidies, loans, and other assistance programs. While a PAN (Permanent Account Number) is required for MSME registration, searching directly using the PAN is not yet accessible on the official Udyam Registration page.

Nonetheless, here are several solid ways to ascertain an organization's MSME status using only its PAN: Contacting the GST division to verify enrollment and seek certificate issue; reviewing indirect proofs such as income tax returns, late filings, and GST returns for the MSME tag; and contemplating interacting directly with the MSME facilitation council for clarification. Once validated, the registration data will allow enterprises to take advantage of the many MSME perks and subsidies. 

Leverage the MSME Search Tool:

1. Visit the MSME Search website at

2. Choose "Search by PAN Number."

3. Enter the 10-digit PAN carefully.

4. Select "Search."

5. If registered: The system shows the business name, categorization (Micro, Small, or Medium), and Udyam Registration Number (UAM).

6. If you have not registered, no results will be found. 

Verify UAM Number:

If you have the UAM from the firm, utilize the "Forgot UAM/UDYAM Registration Number" option on the Udyam Portal.

1. Enter your UAM and PAN.

2. Select "Verify."

3. If valid: The portal provides business information and validates registration.

4. If invalid, an error message indicates erroneous information or unregistered status. 

Seek Alternative Search Options:

If the above techniques fail, attempt searching by:

1. GST Number: If it is available, utilize the "Search by GST number" option on the MSME Search page.

2. Business name: This may be less accurate, however, enter the name into the MSME Search page and carefully filter results.

3. To ensure proper PAN input, avoid typos and whitespace.

If you have any problems, contact the Udyam portal's helpdesk or the relevant MSME authorities for assistance. Remember that PAN alone does not ensure MSME registration. Always employ confirmed means of confirmation. 


Obtaining MSME registration is a critical step for firms looking to access a wealth of government assistance and prospects. While the official Udyam portal does not presently support direct PAN-based searches, the methods described in this article are excellent alternatives. Remember that by using the MSME Search tool, validating UAM numbers, researching different search alternatives, and exercising caution when contemplating third-party services, you may confidently verify MSME registration. You may guarantee that your firm reaps the rewards it deserves by putting accuracy first and using trusted sources. So, don't allow the lack of a direct PAN search to deter your progress. Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools offered here, and you will be able to traverse the verification process with ease! 


Comprehensive Guide to MSME Udyam Registration 

Classification in MSMEs

Policy Initiatives for MSMEs under GST 

Updated on:
March 16, 2024