Published on:
June 8, 2023
Durga Prasad

Understanding Perpetual Bonds: A Long-Term Investment  

Investment opportunities are unique with perpetual bonds, also known as consol bonds or perps. Perpetual bonds, which don't have set maturities like regular bonds do, are frequently compared to equity rather than debt because they have no set maturity.

Perpetual Bonds:

Perpetual bonds are fixed-income investments with no maturity date. Instead, they generate an endless stream of income by making regular coupon payments to the bondholder. The bond's issuers are not required to pay back the bond's principal, but they are obligated to continue making coupon payments until the bond is called or redeemed, usually after five years.

Benefits for Issuers:

The issuers' flexibility in repaying the principal is a significant benefit. With perpetual bonds, the issuer is free to select the best redemption window, making sure it fits within their financial capabilities. Many issuers are drawn to perpetual bonds because of their flexibility because they offer more opportunities for financial management.

The Difference Between Perpetual Bonds and Equity

Perpetual bonds are still categorised as fixed-income securities even though they have some traits in common with equity, such as being a type of equity and not having any attached voting rights. Dividends on equity are optional, in contrast to perpetual bonds, which require the mandatory payment of coupons.

Liquidity and Issuers:

Perpetual bonds are typically issued by governments, large corporations, and financial institutions. Since perpetual bonds can be sold on the stock exchange, giving investors flexibility and liquidity, they are free to liquidate their holdings.

Perpetual Bonds in India: Key Features

Perpetual bonds in India have the following appealing for investors:

1. Consistent fixed income stream: Permanent bonds offer higher interest rates than standard bonds, providing a steady income stream.

2. Investors are not required to reinvest the principal amount because there is no maturity date.

3. Simplified bond management: Investors can avoid the hassle of keeping track of and managing various bond maturity dates if there are no bond maturities to keep an eye on.

Taxation Factors:

The investor's total income is increased by the annual coupon payments from perpetual bonds and taxed in accordance with their individual income tax bracket. However, a long-term capital gains tax of 10% without indexation is applicable if the bond is sold on the secondary market and the investor makes a long-term capital gain (holding period of more than one year).


Perpetual bonds provide investors with a unique long-term investment opportunity by combining elements of both equity and fixed-income securities. Both issuers and investors find them to be a desirable option due to their flexibility and appealing features. Before investing in perpetual bonds, it is essential to weigh the tax ramifications and determine your risk tolerance. Investors can benefit from this intriguing investment instrument by making educated decisions and by being aware of the unique qualities and benefits of perpetual bonds.


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Updated on:
March 16, 2024