Published on:
December 12, 2023
Shaik Musrath

The Treasures of Knowledge into the SPRIHA Scheme 

In the dynamic arena of the knowledge economy, intellectual property (IP) holds immense power. It acts as a cornerstone for innovation, fostering creativity, entrepreneurship, and ultimately, driving economic growth. Recognizing this significance, the Indian government launched the Scheme for Pedagogy and Research in IPRs for Holistic Education and Academia (SPRIHA). This ambitious program aims to cultivate a robust IP ecosystem within India, empowering individuals and institutions to harness the transformative power of IP for holistic development.

Pillars of SPRIHA:

SPRIHA rests upon four foundational pillars, each contributing to building a strong intellectual property landscape:

Cultivating Knowledge through Education:

Developing Credit and Specialized Courses: 

SPRIHA recognizes the need for formal IP education and actively promotes the integration of credit and specialized courses on IP into academic curricula at all levels, from undergraduate programs to doctoral studies. This curricular integration equips students with a comprehensive understanding of IP principles, laws, and practical applications, preparing them to confidently navigate the complex IP landscape.

Empowering Professionals through Workshops and Seminars:

Addressing Knowledge Needs Beyond Academia: 

SPRIHA recognizes that knowledge needs extend beyond the academic realm. Recognizing this, the program facilitates the organization of informative seminars and workshops on diverse IP topics. These interactive sessions offer valuable insights into current trends, emerging technologies, and practical strategies for managing and protecting valuable IP assets.

Nurturing Innovation through Research and Development:

Enhancing Research on IP-Related Themes: 

Recognizing the critical role of research in advancing IP knowledge and practice, SPRIHA actively promotes and supports research projects on varied IP-related themes. This research fosters a deeper understanding of the complex IP landscape, paving the way for the development of innovative solutions and best practices.

Building Awareness through Outreach and Advocacy:

Promoting Public Understanding and Appreciation: 

SPRIHA recognizes the crucial role of public awareness in fostering a culture of respect for intellectual property. The program actively promotes diverse outreach and awareness programs, including public awareness campaigns, interactive workshops, and readily accessible online resources. These initiatives serve to educate the public about IP rights, responsibilities, and benefits, ultimately fostering a culture of responsible IP management.

What is an Impact of SPRIHA:

Since its inception, SPRIHA has made significant strides in transforming the landscape of IP education and awareness in India. Its initiatives have yielded substantial results, including:

Increased Availability of IP Courses: 

A growing number of universities and educational institutions have integrated IP courses into their curriculums, equipping students with essential knowledge and skills.

Enhanced Professional Development: 

Thousands of professionals and stakeholders have benefited from SPRIHA-supported workshops and seminars, enhancing their expertise in various aspects of IP management.

Advancement of IP Research: 

SPRIHA's support has nurtured a vibrant research ecosystem, generating insightful studies and innovative solutions that contribute significantly to the field of intellectual property.

Elevated Public Awareness: 

Through its outreach programs, SPRIHA has successfully raised public awareness about IP rights and responsibilities, creating a fertile ground for innovation and respect for intellectual property.


As India continues its journey towards becoming a global knowledge leader, the SPRIHA scheme remains a vital catalyst for fostering a robust and dynamic IP ecosystem. By empowering individuals and institutions to understand, value, and leverage the power of IP, SPRIHA lays the foundation for a future driven by innovation, creativity, and economic prosperity.

Let us collectively support SPRIHA and its noble endeavor to unlock the treasures of knowledge and empower India to become a global leader in the field of intellectual property. Together, we can build a future where innovation flourishes, creativity thrives, and the power of intellectual property is harnessed for the benefit of all.



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Updated on:
March 16, 2024