Published on:
December 23, 2023
Shaik Musrath

The Scheme for Salt Worker Training and Technology Upgradation

Beneath the scorching sun, on fields shimmering with white crystals, toil the salt workers – the backbone of a millennia-old tradition. Yet, their labor often remains trapped in the clutches of timeworn techniques, facing challenges of low yields, harsh working conditions, and environmental concerns. But amidst these saline plains, a beacon of hope flickers – the Scheme for Salt Worker Training and Technology Upgradation.

Launched in 2012-13 by the Department of Commerce, this scheme stands as a testament to the government's commitment to empowering these silent heroes of the salt industry. Its core objective: to equip salt workers with the knowledge and tools to embrace modern technology, thereby enhancing their productivity, improving the quality of salt, and fostering a sustainable industry.

How this scheme is Sailing Towards Progress:

The scheme operates through a two-pronged approach:

Master Trainer Training: 

Renowned institutions like the Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI) conduct intensive training programs for a select group of salt workers, transforming them into master trainers. These individuals delve deep into the intricacies of modern salt production, learning about:

Chemistry of salt manufacturing: 

Understanding the science behind salt crystallization and the factors influencing its quality.

Design and layout of salt works: 

Optimizing salt farm layout for efficient brine utilization and solar heat absorption.

Washing of solar salt: 

Implementing effective techniques to remove impurities and enhance salt purity.

Value addition through bittern processing: 

Extracting valuable minerals like magnesium chloride from the leftover brine, opening doors to diversification.

Semi-mechanization of salt works: 

Introducing simple tools and machinery to reduce manual labor and improve efficiency.

Analytical techniques and soil analysis: 

Gaining the ability to test brine quality and optimize salt production based on local conditions.

Fortification of solar salt with iodine and iron: 

Addressing micronutrient deficiencies through salt iodization and iron fortification techniques.

Industrial safety and hazard management: 

Ensuring the well-being of salt workers by imparting knowledge on safety protocols and hazard mitigation.

Salt Worker Training: 

Empowered with their newfound expertise, the master trainers return to their communities and disseminate their knowledge to fellow salt workers. These training programs, conducted in local languages, ensure effective knowledge transfer and bridge the gap between theoretical understanding and practical application. Salt workers learn about the benefits of modern techniques, how to implement them in their existing setup, and the potential to improve their livelihoods.

Reaping the Rewards:

The impact of the scheme has been far-reaching, painting a brighter picture for the salt industry:

Increased Productivity: 

Adoption of modern techniques has led to a significant rise in salt yields, empowering salt workers to produce more with less effort.

Enhanced Quality: 

Improved understanding of salt chemistry and proper washing techniques have resulted in higher quality salt, fetching better market prices.

Environmental Sustainability: 

Reduced dependence on firewood for brine heating and efficient water management practices have minimized the environmental footprint of salt production.

Diversification and Value Addition: 

Extracting valuable minerals from bittern opens doors to new income streams and value addition, fostering economic diversification within the salt industry.

Improved Working Conditions: 

Introduction of semi-mechanized tools and safety training creates a safer and less strenuous work environment for salt workers.

Charting the Course Ahead:

While the scheme has achieved remarkable progress, the journey towards a fully modernized and sustainable salt industry is ongoing. Challenges like ensuring continuous training, providing access to affordable technology, and fostering market linkages for diversified products remain. To navigate these challenges, collaborative efforts are crucial:

Strengthening institutional partnerships: 

Continued collaboration between government agencies, research institutions, and industry stakeholders is essential for refining the training programs and providing ongoing technical support.

Facilitating access to finance: 

Providing micro-loans and financial incentives to salt workers can encourage them to invest in adopting modern technologies.

Promoting market linkages: 

Establishing market linkages for diversified salt products like bittern-derived minerals can create new avenues for income generation and incentivize value addition.

Raising awareness: 

Public awareness campaigns can highlight the importance of consuming high-quality iodized salt and create a demand for salt produced using sustainable practices.


The Scheme for Salt Worker Training and Technology Upgradation is not just a program; it's a symbol of hope, a promise of a brighter future for the salt workers who toil under the sun. By empowering them with knowledge, technology, and support, we can ensure that the crystals they churn out are not just of salt, but of progress, prosperity, and a sustainable future for the generations to come.


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Updated on:
March 16, 2024