Published on:
January 19, 2024

HSN Code 406: A Deep Dive into Cheese, Curd, Honey, and Beyond

The HSN system is a very important concept in the financial world and one should have a grasp of the Harmonized System Numbers to ensure customs clearance procedures and accurate tax calculations for business. This blog will tell you about HSN code 406 and its range of products including items found in the dairy section and various natural goods. It digs into the realm of HSN code 406, revealing its extent, tax rates, and repercussions for both enterprises and consumers.

Navigating the Tax Maze: Understanding GST Rates for HSN Code 406 Products

1. Cheese and curd: The majority of cheese kinds, including processed cheese, are subject to a 12% GST charge. However, certain varieties of cheese, such as paneer and cheddar cheese blocks, have a lower incidence of 5%.

2. Poultry eggs, like chicken eggs, are taxed at 5% GST.

3. Natural Honey: This sweet treat enjoys a 5% GST rate, making it readily accessible to consumers.

4. Edible Products of Animal Origin: The GST rate for products under this category varies depending on the specific item. For example, rennet attracts a 5% rate, while animal fats might be taxed at 12% or even 18%.

Implications for Businesses and Consumers

Understanding the classification and tax rates under HSN code 406 is crucial for both businesses and consumers:

For Businesses:

1. Product Classification: Classifying items correctly under HSN code 406 guarantees proper GST computations and avoids fines for misclassification. It also assists companies in selecting the appropriate price and profit margins for their items. Furthermore, understanding tax rates enables firms to properly manage cash flow and budget for prospective tax payments. Moreover, having a grasp of tax rates allows companies to effectively handle their cash flow and plan for expected tax obligations.

2. Competitive Pricing; By understanding tax rates companies can factor them into their pricing strategy ensuring they remain competitive in the market. Businesses may guarantee that their pricing is competitive and attract customers by examining tax rates. This knowledge also allows organizations to find cost-cutting options and adjust their pricing structures for maximum profitability.

3. Efficient Trade Documentation: Invoices and customs declarations with accurate product descriptions and HSN codes help seamless clearing operations. This assists businesses in avoiding delays and potential penalties caused by faulty documentation. Furthermore, good trade paperwork enables firms to successfully track and manage their inventories, assuring timely delivery and customer satisfaction.

For Consumers:

1. Informed Purchase Decisions: Knowing the GST rate for certain items under HSN code 406 allows consumers to make more informed purchasing decisions and successfully manage their budgets.

2. Pricing Transparency: A clear grasp of tax implications promotes pricing transparency and protects consumers from hidden expenses. Furthermore, correct trade paperwork provides consumers with a clear picture of a product's full cost, including any necessary taxes. This pricing transparency helps customers evaluate rates and make educated decisions, eventually preventing them from overpaying or being duped by hidden fees.

Beyond the Basics: Additional Considerations for HSN Code 406

While the above discussion provides a general overview, additional factors need to be considered when dealing with HSN code 406:

1. Product Packaging: The type of packaging can influence the GST rate. For example, cheese packaged in retail quantities might attract a different rate than cheese packaged in bulk for industrial use.

2. Country of Origin: Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with specific countries might lead to reduced GST rates for certain products under HSN code 406.

3. Pre-Packaged Combinations: Products under HSN code 406 combined with other ingredients in pre-packaged meals or snacks might attract a different GST rate based on the dominant ingredient or overall composition.


HSN code 406 is essential in worldwide trade and domestic commerce, allowing for rapid customs clearance, correct tax computations, and informed decision-making for both enterprises and consumers. Individuals and organizations may traverse the world of cheese, curd, honey, and other items covered by this law with confidence and clarity if they grasp its scope, tax consequences, and associated issues.


HSN Code 409: Natural Honey

GST Rates and HSN Code for Iron Chain HSN Code 7315

Concept of HSN Codes Under GST   

Updated on:
March 16, 2024