Published on:
February 25, 2023

GST Rates  HSN Code for Natural Borates Concentrates

Natural borates, also known as borax, are a group of minerals that are primarily used as a source of boron. They are extracted from the earth’s crust and have a variety of uses in the industrial sector.

What are Natural Borates Concentrates?

Natural borates are processed into a concentrated form to make them more useful in various industries. Natural borates concentrates are borates that have been extracted from the earth and processed to remove impurities, resulting in a more concentrated form of boron.

Uses of Natural Borates Concentrates

Natural borates concentrates have a wide range of uses, including:

  • Glass manufacturing
  • Ceramic manufacturing
  • Flame-retardant materials
  • Fertilizers

GST Rates for Natural Borates Concentrates

The GST rate for natural borates concentrates is 18%. This rate applies to all forms of natural borates concentrates, including boron ores and concentrates.

HSN Code for Natural Borates Concentrates

The HSN code for natural borates concentrates is 2528. This code is used to classify natural borates concentrates for taxation purposes. The HSN code is a unique six-digit code that is used to identify goods for the purpose of taxation.


Natural borates concentrates are an essential component in various industries, from glass manufacturing to fertilizers. Understanding the GST rates and HSN code for natural borates concentrates is important for businesses that deal with these products. The GST rate for natural borates concentrates is 18%, and the HSN code is 2528.


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Updated on:
March 16, 2024