Published on:
March 4, 2024
Viraaj Vashishth

Facing Late Payments? Recovering Debts with the MSME Samadhan Scheme

Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are the lifelines sustaining India's economic current, but delayed remittances from purchasers can significantly impact their cash flows and procedures. The MSME Samadhan Scheme offers a streamlined yet proficient solution for MSMEs to recuperate funds rightfully theirs. This article delves deeper into how MSMEs can recover money under the MSME Samadhan Scheme, outlining the eligibility criteria, systematic steps involved, and other crucial considerations. 

Who Qualifies for Relief Under the MSME Samadhan Scheme?

1. Officially registered MSMEs: Only MSME devices formally registered with a legitimate Udyam confirmation can look for aid under this plan.

2. Domestic purchasers solely: The purchaser disturbing the MSME must be found and working inside India.

3. Products or administrations supplied in good faith: The disagreement must identify with an authentic supply of products or administrations between the MSME and purchaser.

Steps to Recover Dues through MSME Samadhan:

1. Registering a Complaint: Aggrieved micro, small, or medium enterprises can submit an online application via the MSME Samadhan portal at after signing up. Pertinent details including invoice amounts, transaction dates, and supporting documents such as delivery receipts and invoices must be provided.

2. Notifying the Buyer: Upon receiving the complaint, the concerned Micro and Small Enterprises Facilitation Council alerts the buyer through correspondence. The buyer then has the option to either amicably resolve the dispute or refute the claims within a designated time frame.

3. Mediating a Resolution: If both parties express willingness to settle the dispute without further conflict, the council will initiate conciliation proceedings. During this process, the panel engages in negotiation attempts to agree acceptable to all sides through mediated dialogue.

4. Arbitration provides an alternative path should conciliation efforts prove fruitless. In such cases, the MSEFC forwards the matter to an arbitral panel for resolution. Both disputants get the opportunity to make their case before this tribunal, stating their positions and providing proof. After reviewing evidence from all sides, the panel delivers a binding determination with the full power of a legal decision.

5. Should the buyer neglect to abide by the arbitral outcome, recourse is available. The MSME player retains the choice to file an enforcement request in the local district court. Through this channel, recovered sums as specified in the award can be secured.

Benefits of the MSME Samadhan Scheme:

The MSME Samadhan Scheme delivers swift dispute resolution and affordable access to justice. Through an online portal, small businesses can file applications and monitor case statuses. Eligible disputes are guaranteed determination within three months, far outpacing conventional litigation. Filing fees are minimal, opening the door to the remedy of payment delays.

Important Considerations:

Some key factors merit consideration. To qualify under the program, one must initiate the process within 365 days of a missed payment date. Substantiating documentation as specified on the portal is mandatory to support arguments. While the system aims to streamline the process, guidance from a commercial attorney well-versed in such issues provides valuable perspective on navigating intricacies that may arise.

Overall, the scheme levels the playing field for micro, small, and medium enterprises. Its promise of a timely decision brings hope that rightful compensation need not be an endless chase. Still, to optimize outcomes, leveraging specialized counsel remains recommended. With diligent preparation and prudent legal counsel, this avenue holds the potential to empower small businesses with the means to collect what they are owed.


The MSME Samadhan Scheme aims to equip small and medium enterprises to collect timely payments that are overdue by comprehending eligibility criteria, formalities, and key factors to consider. This effective recourse enables MSMEs to address deferred remittances and safeguard fiscal soundness. It is crucial to liaise with legal counsel for advice customized to your particular circumstances as merely general details have been provided here. Do remember, consulting an attorney is suggested for direction in specific situations as this article simply offers information and should not be construed as legal counsel.


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Updated on:
March 16, 2024