Published on:
November 22, 2023
Shaik Musrath

Email Delivery Statuses: A Guide for Businesses Using Swipe

In the fast-paced world of business communication, email remains a powerful tool for reaching customers. However, the journey of an email from the sender's outbox to the recipient's inbox is not always straightforward. Understanding the various delivery statuses can be crucial for businesses using swipe email marketing tools. In this blog, we'll explore the common email delivery statuses—Delivered, Bounced, Blocked, and Deferred—and what they mean for your business.

What does delivered email status mean

When an email status shows as "Delivered," it means the receiving server has accepted the message. However, the journey doesn't end there. The server decides whether to place the email in the recipient's inbox, spam folder, or, in rare cases, to delete it. Factors influencing this decision include sender reputation and email content. Monitoring the percentage of delivered emails is crucial, but it's just the beginning of your campaign's success story.

What does bounced email status mean

"Bounced" emails indicate a permanent issue with the receiving server or the recipient's address. This can occur when the email address is invalid. In the world of swipe and email marketing, it's essential to distinguish between hard bounces (permanent issues) and soft bounces (temporary issues). Keep an eye on bounce events in your tracking tools to address and rectify these issues promptly. SendGrid, a leading email delivery service, categorizes bounced emails into two types:

Hard bounces: 

These are caused by permanent issues such as invalid email addresses or closed accounts.

Soft bounces: 

These are temporary issues, such as overflowing mailboxes or server maintenance.

What does blocked email status mean

Blocked emails, similar to soft bounce emails, are temporarily denied by the server. Unlike bounces, the reasons for blocking are unrelated to the sender's address quality. Possible causes include the sending IP or domain being on a denied list, spam-marked elements in the email content, or technical issues between the two servers. High spam complaint rates can lead to email blocks, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a positive sending reputation.

Common reasons for blocked emails include:

Sending IP or domain on a denial list: 

This could be due to excessive spam complaints or a history of sending malicious emails.

Spam-marked elements in email content: 

This includes keywords or phrases that are commonly found in spam emails.

Technical issues between servers: 

Occasionally, technical glitches can cause temporary email blocks.

What does deffered email status mean

A deferred event occurs when the server temporarily limits access to its system. It's like encountering a busy signal on a telephone. This doesn't mean your message won't be delivered—it simply won't happen immediately. Common reasons for deferral include too many spam complaints or technical issues on the receiving server. Monitor deferrals, and if they persist, consult troubleshooting guides to maintain a smooth email delivery process. Deferrals can occur for various reasons, including:

High spam complaint rates: 

Servers may defer emails from senders with a history of spam complaints.

Technical issues on the receiving server: 

Server overload or maintenance can cause temporary delays.

When a message is deferred, SendGrid will continue attempting to deliver it for up to 72 hours. If the delivery fails within this timeframe, the email will be marked as blocked. However, if the message is successfully delivered within the 72-hour window, it will register as a delivered event.

Improving Email Deliverability:

To minimize email blocks and ensure your messages reach their intended recipients, consider these strategies:

Maintain a clean email list: 

Regularly remove inactive or invalid email addresses.

Personalize your emails: 

Use segmentation and personalization to make your emails more relevant and engaging.

Avoid spammy content: 

Steer clear of excessive links, keywords, and images that might trigger spam filters.


For businesses utilizing swipe for email marketing, understanding the nuances of email delivery statuses is paramount. Monitoring these statuses—Delivered, Bounced, Blocked, and Deferred—provides valuable insights into your email campaigns. By paying attention to these metrics, businesses can refine their strategies, maintain a positive sending reputation, and ensure their messages consistently reach customer inboxes. Remember, the journey doesn't end with sending the email; it's about successfully navigating the complexities of email delivery.


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Updated on:
March 16, 2024