Published on:
February 25, 2023
Prudhvi Raj

Other Microscopes - GST Rates  HSN Code 9012

Microscopes are important tools that have been used in various fields such as science, medicine, and engineering. In India, the GST rates and HSN code for microscopes are regulated under chapter 90 of the GST system. Chapter 90 of the GST system covers a wide range of scientific, medical, and optical instruments, including microscopes. In this article, we will focus on the GST rates and HSN code for other microscopes. Other microscopes are the ones that are not electron microscopes, optical microscopes, stereoscopic microscopes, or other categories of microscopes. They are commonly used in various fields, including research, education, and industry.

GST Rates for Other Microscopes

The GST rate for other microscopes is 18%, as per the GST system. This rate is applicable to all other microscopes, including those used for educational and research purposes.

HSN Code for Other Microscopes

The HSN code for other microscopes is 9012. This code is used to classify other microscopes for GST purposes. The HSN code is a unique code that is used to identify the goods and services for GST purposes. It is a 6-digit code that is internationally recognized.Other Microscopes and their ApplicationsOther microscopes are used in various fields, including biology, microbiology, geology, metallurgy, and material science. They are used to study the structure and properties of different materials, including biological organisms, rocks, metals, and other materials.One of the most common types of other microscopes is the polarizing microscope. It is used to study the optical properties of materials, including minerals and crystals. The polarizing microscope uses polarized light to study the material's structure and properties.Another type of microscope is the metallurgical microscope. It is used to study the structure and properties of metals and other materials. The metallurgical microscope uses polarized light to study the material's microstructure, including grains, inclusions, and other features.The electron probe microanalyzer is another type of microscope used in material science and geology. It is used to study the chemical composition of materials, including rocks, minerals, and metals. The electron probe microanalyzer uses a beam of electrons to excite the atoms in the material, producing X-rays that can be analyzed to determine the material's composition.


In conclusion, other microscopes are an essential tool in scientific and industrial research. They are used to study the structure and properties of various materials, including biological organisms, rocks, metals, and other materials. The GST rate for other microscopes is 18%, and the HSN code is 9012. These regulations ensure that other microscopes are appropriately classified and taxed for GST purposes. If you are a small or medium business owner or a startup founder who needs to purchase other microscopes, make sure to consider the GST rates and HSN code to ensure that your purchases are properly classified and taxed.


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Updated on:
March 16, 2024