Published on:
February 25, 2023
Prudhvi Raj

How to Change GST Registration Details of a Business?

GST registration is an essential requirement for any business in India with turnovers exceeding the eligibility threshold. The process of obtaining a GST registration is relatively straightforward, but businesses often require updating or changing certain details like the business name, address, or bank account details. In this article, we will guide you through the process of changing or updating the GST registration details of your business.

Why Update GST Registration Details?

It is crucial to keep your GST registration details up-to-date to avoid any legal consequences. Not updating your details, like the business name or address, can result in non-compliance and legal actions against your business. Additionally, changing your GST registration details can also help you keep your business information current and accurate for your customers and vendors.

What are the Steps to Change GST Registration Details?

The process of changing or updating the GST registration details of a business is quite simple and can be done in a few easy steps. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Log in to the GST Portal: First, you need to log in to the GST portal using your valid credentials.
  2. Click on the Services tab: After logging in, click on the "Services" tab on the GST portal.
  3. Select the Registration tab: Next, select the "Registration" tab from the available options.
  4. Click on the Amendment of Registration Non-Core fields: Under the registration tab, select the option "Amendment of Registration Non-Core fields."
  5. Update or Change Details: Now you can update or change the details you want to modify, like the business name, address, or bank account details. Make sure to enter the correct information to avoid any complications later.
  6. Submit the Application: Finally, submit the application after verifying all the details. Once submitted, the application will be processed by the GST department.

Points to Remember While Updating GST Details

While updating or changing GST registration details, certain points need to be kept in mind to avoid any complications later:

1. PAN and Mobile Number: Ensure that the PAN and mobile number of the authorized signatory remain the same as in the original registration.

2. Business Name: If you are changing the business name, ensure that the new name is not similar to an existing business name or trademarked name.

3. Address Change: If you are changing the address, ensure that the new address is in the same state as the original registration.

4. Bank Account Details: If you are changing the bank account details, ensure that the account is in the same name as the original registration.


Updating or changing GST registration details is essential to avoid any legal complications and to keep your business information accurate and up-to-date. By following the above steps, you can easily update or change your GST registration details without any complications.


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Updated on:
March 16, 2024